Making Mom Friends

Who agrees that it’s hard to make friends as an adult? When I became a mom, I was 22. My friends were those who I went to school with and I was one of the first to get married and have kids.
I was an Army wife and when Jason was deployed to Bosnia, Ariella was seven months old and I packed up and moved north to live with my parents. Sure, my mom was an awesome help, but what I craved was friends who could relate to where I was as a new mom.
It was then that I joined the MOMS Club. For those of you who are unfamiliar with MOMS Club, it is an international organization standing for Moms Offering Moms Support.
Fortunately, there was a chapter within ten minutes from where I was living.
If you have a chapter near you, I highly recommend joining it. It costs to be a member, but it’s not much considering all the benefits that you can get from belonging. And as a stay-at-home-mom surviving on an army salary, it must not have cost much or else I...
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