Quiet Your

Inner Mean Girl


Transform your Inner Critic into your Biggest Cheerleader! 



Learn how to silence the self-doubts and self-criticism that keep you playing small and challenge the unrealistic expectations and self-beliefs that are fueling your negative self-talk

By the end of this program,

you will have…


  • Learned Methods to Stop Negative Self-Talk

    Recognize and silence the self-doubts, the inner criticism, and the fears that are holding you back
  • Broke the Cycle of Negative Thinking

    Challenge and release negative thoughts while reframing and replacing those that no longer serve you
  • Shifted your Self-Beliefs to Ones that Serve You

    Transform the underlying beliefs about yourself, others, and the world around you that are fueling your Inner Mean Girl
  • Developed Kindness and Compassion towards Yourself

    Motivate yourself to move forward in your life with self kindness rather than self criticism
  • Increased Your Level of Confidence and Self Esteem

    Discover your authentic, natural self-confidence and feel better about yourself and your worth

"Working with Onnie to 'quiet the inner mean girl' was an amazing experience. She was kind, thoughtful and understanding as we walked through the process. My big takeaway was replacing unhealthy thoughts or lies that we tell ourselves with new truths. We have to practice once we find our new truth. I highly recommend 'quieting the inner mean girl' to friends and family. I am so grateful to Onnie who helped me walk through without judgment and a sincere mindset to help me be a better version of myself."


What moms are saying:

Onnie is extremely personable, understanding, and compassionate. Her expertise is complemented by her interpersonal skills and her ability to relate genuinely to what I am sharing with her. I absolutely recommend Onnie to anyone who compassion and empathy are essential concerns.

- Katherine L. *


I received a gift of two sessions with Onnie and we focused on Quieting my Inner Mean Girl. We as mothers can be so critical of ourselves, comparing ourselves to others. Not only did Onnie go over the points in two different sessions, but I actually received a workbook to keep me in the right track! 

- Jennifer W. *


Onnie is great! She is really engaging and seems to genuinely care about my issues. She also seems to go out of her way to make sure that I am getting the most out of our work together.

- Brenda A. *


* Some names and photos changed to protect identities of clients

What You Can Expect


Session 1

Why is Your Inner Mean Girl So Dang Mean?

Your core beliefs act as filters to how you experience and interpret the world on a daily basis. During the first session, we will work together to identify what you believe and explore how those beliefs are manifesting in your life.

Session Highlights:

  • Determine your core beliefs
  • Explore how beliefs affect you
  • Recognize current expectations
Session 2

What is Your Inner Mean Girl Saying to You?

What your inner mean girl says is directly linked to the emotions you experience and the actions you take or don't take. You will learn how to keep a self-talk diary and how to pull out the thoughts that are keeping you from becoming your best self.

Session Highlights:

  • Understand connection between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
  • Complete a self-talk diary
  • Reflect on personal patterns
Session 3

How Can You Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl?

Once you learn how to identify your negative thoughts, the next step is to challenge them so that you can talk to yourself with greater compassion. We will walk through a variety of proven techniques to replace your negative self-talk.

Session Highlights:

  • Collect and dispute the evidence
  • Identify thinking errors
  • Reframe your negative thoughts
Session 4

Transform Your Inner Mean Girl into Your Biggest Cheerleader

You will learn how to release unrealistic expectations to help you embrace the beauty of your life for what it is instead of what you think it should be. You'll discover the power of affirmations to validate and affirm your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Session Highlights:

  • Validate new beliefs
  • Give yourself credit
  • Employ realistic affirmations

When you enroll,

you’ll get:


  • 4 Personalized, 1:1 Coaching Sessions

    One hour sessions focused entirely on challenging your doubts, fears, and unrealistic expectations

  • Full Color, Printable Workbook

    Fillable and/or printable workbook designed to complement the work done in sessions
  • In Between Support via Email and Messaging

    Specific office hours to answer any questions and to provide you added support between scheduled sessions
  • Supplemental Video and Audio Training

    Depending on your needs, you will have access to additional training to move you towards your goals

Plus These Bonuses to Help You Get Even More out of the Program


Bonus 1

Self-Care 101 Mini-Course

Basic Course for Busy Moms Who Don't Practice Regular Self-Care


What You’ll Get:

Discover the keys to self-care so you can feel recharged and refreshed and ready for all that life throws at you!

  • Learn how to practice self-care so that you can have a cup that overflows, which means you'll have more to give to all those you love.
  • Improve your life since engaging in regular self-care has been shown to give people a longer, more satisfying life.
  • When you are intentional about taking care of yourself, you are better able to live in the moments that really matter, like being with your family.
Bonus 2

Voxer Support

In-between session support provided via Voxer, a free walkie-talkie app on your phone


What You’ll Get:

Unlimited support as you move through the program

  • Coaching provided through voice and text-based messages so that you can get your questions answered and move you forward

Enroll in the

Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl Program

Today for Just $249



I am so confident that you will learn how to once and for all quiet your inner mean girl that I'm offering a money back guarantee


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Frequently Asked Questions

Ver. 1 Questions our top students asked before enrolling in (course name)
Ver. 2 What people asked before signing up for (course name)
Ver. 3 What our most successful students asked before joining (course name)

Still thinking about it?

The Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl Program is PERFECT for you if...

  • You struggle with self-doubts and self-criticism
  • You scrutinize yourself harshly 
  • You constantly feel like you're not the best mom you can be
  • You rarely assert your own needs and desires
  • You feel guilty about engaging in activities by yourself and for yourself
  • Your self-esteem is on the lower end

I can’t wait for you to join the Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl Program

Super-moms work so hard doing "all the things," trying to make everything perfect for everyone else, feeling guilty about spending any time on themselves.

When you ask a Super-mom what they do for themselves, they likely don't even know, especially if they've been holding onto their cape for quite a while.

I know because I've been there! And I see you're there now- putting everyone else's needs in front of your own.

I created this program because I want to help you change the way you feel towards yourself so that you can start putting yourself further up on your to-do list.

Only then can you become your best version and find fulfillment in the life you are creating.

Learning to Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl is the next step in hanging up your cape and loving yourself. Let me help you!


Are you ready to

Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl?

Click the button below to enroll in the Quiet Your Inner Mean Girl Program so that you can start talking to yourself with kindness and compassion and giving yourself the credit you deserve!