Get ready to discover the power of self-care!

Yah! Give yourself a pat on the back for taking the first step to prioritizing yourself. I'm so excited for you but before we dive in...

Let's make sure you're getting my emails. Sometimes they land in the spam box and so to make sure they are getting to your inbox, I'll send you an email. Take a minute to find it and if it landed in your spam, be sure to grab the email and drag it to your inbox to ensure future emails go where you can see them.

If you're not there already, join my free Facebook group, Moms Without Capes. We are a bunch of moms who are working on hanging up our Super-Woman capes and learning that it's okay to nurture ourselves! We'd love to have you part of the community plus, this is where you will find support and guidance as you go through the Self-Care Challenge.