What did you give yourself this year?

Uncategorized Dec 28, 2020



This week, most of us here in the group will be celebrating the holidays with our families.
We all know that Christmas is the season for giving and maybe by now you have all your gifts under the tree ready to give to all those you love. Or maybe you still haven’t finished your shopping...no judgement 😉
Either way, I’m going to guess you forgot at least one person who deserves so much love and may have been overlooked this whole year.
She often puts herself last because she wants to make sure everyone is taken care of and has what they need.
She’s likely the first one up in the morning and the last one to bed at night. When everyone else is playing, she can often be found doing laundry or dishes or tidying up.
Or worrying about what she’s going to make for dinner or how her husband is doing at work.
She works tirelessly to take care of everything and everyone and even though she joined a group aimed at helping her drop that Super-Woman cape, she struggles to let it go.
I’m sure by now, you realize who you’re leaving out!
Which leaves me to ask...what can you possibly give yourself as a gift this year?
Here is the perfect idea:
The Gift of Kindness.

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