Where's the Instruction Manual for Life as a Mom?

Parenting is hard- wouldn’t you agree? It doesn’t come with an instruction book and even if it did, I probably would have lost it by now!
I did have a stack of books that told me best practices. I was a big fan of What to Expect When Expecting. Even before giving birth, I was already a few chapters into What to Expect the First Year.
I wanted to make sure I knew exactly what to expect when it came to birthing and raising a baby.
This makes me laugh now! There isn’t a book on earth that could have prepared me for my life after having babies.
I suppose I found comfort thinking that I was prepared. Comfort in thinking that all births and children were universal and that if I just learned what I needed to do as a mom, then life would be amazing!
After having six kids, I’m pretty sure I could write a book on the topic, but fact is, I have no idea what I’m doing!
I recall a few years ago, telling my...
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Time is Flying By

This past Friday night, we celebrated our youngest daughter’s birthday. She turned seven years old.
Seven years old. I still can’t believe it.
I don’t think I ever cried when any of my kids had a birthday, but I did for Giana’s.
The night before, I was bagging up her store-bought cookies (COVID restricted us baking cupcakes) and it hit me like a ton of bricks. So much so, I had to brace myself on the counter.
That night would be the last time we had a six year old. Tears are coming to my eyes now just writing this.
Our little girl is growing up even though I tried telling her that she wasn’t allowed to grow up! Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way.
Time marches on and each moment is fleeting.
Which is part of the reason why us moms feel so very guilty when it comes to spending time on ourselves.
We can’t replace time. It’s our most precious resource, that's for sure. When...
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